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浙江大学数学学院张立新教授当选Institute of Mathematical Statistics Fellow
浙江大学数学学院 张立新 教授 Institute of Mathematical Statistics Fellow 概率论 数理统计
近日,浙江大学数学学院张立新教授当选Institute of Mathematical Statistics Fellow(数理统计学会会士)。张立新在概率论和数理统计等科研领域上取得了突出成就,在《Annals of Statistics等国际权威刊物上发表学术论文160 余篇,获得国家杰出青年基金、教育部新世纪人才、浙江省科技创新领军人才、求是特聘教授等荣誉称号。现任中国现场统计研究会常务理事...
印度统计研究(Indian Statistical Institute)
印度统计研究 统计
The Indian Statistical Institute was founded by Professor P.C. Mahalanobis in Kolkata on 17th December, 1931. The institute gained the status of an Institution of National Importance by an act of the ...
Joint International Workshop of National University of Singapore Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
Mathematics Computation in Music Performance Composition
Mathemusical Conversations is an international workshop bringing together world experts and emerging scholars in and across mathematics and music, with a special focus on mathematical and computationa...
The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) is the UK's only chartered professional body dedicated to educating, developing and regulating actuaries based both in the UK and internationally.
The Institute of Actuaries of Australia has a heritage which dates back to 1897. In that year, the Actuarial Society of New South Wales was formed. The inaugural meeting of seventeen members took plac...

Professor Martin Bazant,Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(图)
Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Applied Mathematics Electrokinetics,

Professor Roman Bezrukavnikov,Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(图)
Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Representation Theory Algebraic Geometry

Professor Alexei Borodin,Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(图)
Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Asymptotic Representation Theory Random Matrices

Professor Herman Chernoff,Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(图)
Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Statistics Probability

Associate Professor Laurent Demanet,Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(图)
Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Associate Professor Applied analysis Scientific Computing
Laurent Demanet joined the department faculty in 2009 as Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, currently Associate Professor as of 2014. His research fields include scientific computing and appl...

Professor Richard Dudley,Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(图)
Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Probability Statistics

Professor Alan Edelman,Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(图)
Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Parallel Computing Numerical Linear Algebra

Professor Pavel Etingof,Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(图)
Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Representation Theory Quantum Groups

Associate Professor Jacob Fox,Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(图)
Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Associate Professor Extremal Combinatorics Combinatorial Geometry
Jacob Fox received a B.S. in mathematics from MIT in 2006. He received the AMS-MAA-SIAM Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for outstanding research in mathematics by an undergraduate student, and the Jon ...

Professor Victor Guillemin,Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(图)
Department of Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Differential Geometry