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马安德近日,南方医科大学公共卫生学院公共卫生学院/热带医学研究所顾金保团队在国际著名学术期刊《PLoS Pathogens》杂志(Top期刊,寄生虫学1区)发表了题为“Aal-circRNA-407 regulates ovarian development of Aedes albopictus, a major arbovirus vector, via the miR-9a-5p/Foxl ...
首都医科大学基础医学院安静教授团队《PloS Pathogens》揭示S100A4+巨噬细胞是促进寨卡病毒进入睾丸并在其中持续复制的重要原因(图)
首都医科大学基础医学院 安静教授 PloS Pathogens S100A4+ 巨噬细胞 促进 寨卡病毒 睾丸 持续复制 重要原因
2020年12月,首都医科大学基础医学院安静教授团队在《PloS Pathogens》发表题为“S100A4+ macrophages facilitate Zika virus invasion and persistence in the seminiferous tubules via interferon-gamma mediation” 的研究论文。该论文利用多种基因敲除小鼠作为模型,探...
Pesticides speed the spread of deadly waterborne pathogens(图)
Pesticides speed spread deadly waterborne pathogens
Widespread use of pesticides and other agrochemicals can speed the transmission of the debilitating disease schistosomiasis while also upsetting ecological balances in aquatic environments that preven...
PLOS Pathogens发表吴莹团队寨卡病毒研究成果(图)
武汉大学 泰康医学院 基础医学 寨卡病毒
国际著名病原学权威期刊《PLOS Pathogens》近日在线发表了武汉大学基础医学院吴莹研究团队的最新研究成果,论文题目为Matrix metalloproteinase 9 facilitates Zika virus invasion of the testis by modulating the integrity of the blood-testis barrier(《基质金属蛋白酶9...
福建师范大学生命科学学院欧阳松应教授课题组在《PLoS Pathogens》上发表揭示新型裂解酶高效杀灭致病菌分子机理的研究成果(图)
福建师范大学生命科学学院 欧阳松应 教授 新型裂解酶 高效杀灭 致病菌分子机理
我校生命科学学院、南方生物医学研究中心欧阳松应课题组近日在国际知名杂志《PLOS Pathogens》上在线发表了题为“Structural and functional insights into a novel two-component endolysin encoded by a single gene in Enterococcus faecalis phage”的研究论文。该论文报道了...
近日,病原学领域权威期刊PLoS Pathogens以“The Edwardsiella piscicida thioredoxin-like protein inhibits ASK1-MAPKs signaling cascades to promote pathogenesis during infection”为题,在线报道了我校生物工程学院张元兴、刘琴教授团队的最新研究成果。氏菌病是危害...
炎症小体作为先天性免疫系统的重要组成部分,在宿主抵抗外源入侵的过程中发挥着重要作用。近日,国际病原学权威期刊PLoS Pathogens在线发表了我校在病原感染与宿主炎症信号激活相关领域的最新研究成果。大量的研究认为,Caspase-4/5/11能够单独作为一类胞内受体,识别细菌的“病原相关模式分子”脂多糖 (Lipopolysaccharide, LPS),介导非经典炎症小体的激活。该研究利用转...
医学院公共健康医学中心和生命分析化学国家重点实验室吴稚伟教授课题组在引起手足口病的EV71病毒研究中获得重要发现。研究成果“Exosome-mediated miR-146a transfer suppresses type I interferon response and facilitates EV71 infection”于2017年9月25日在线发表在一流学术期刊PloS Pathoge...
Potential of Mobile Phones to Serve as a Reservoir in Spread of Nosocomial Pathogens
Mobile phones Bacterial Contamination Nosocomial Infection
Objective: The use of cellular telephones by medical personnel and the associated nosocomial transmission of pathogens have not been thoroughly examined. The objective of this study was to determine t...
中国医学科学院病原生物学研究所杨国威博士在《PLoS Pathogens》杂志发表论文揭示细菌毒素复合物分泌过程中不同蛋白的作用机制(图)
病原生物学 杨国威博士 细菌毒素复合物 分泌过程
毒素复合物(Toxin Complex)广泛存在于多种昆虫和人类致病菌中,如 Photorhabdus,Xenorhabdus 和鼠疫耶尔森菌等,其作用机制,结构与功能等方面的研究已引起日益广泛的关注。该复合物由A, B和C三个蛋白按4:1:1的比例形成一个约1390 kDa的蛋白颗粒。这三个蛋白均未编码已知的跨膜转运相关结构,对于该蛋白复合物,其分泌机制尚不清楚。杨国威博士在前期工作的基础上(Y...
中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所人兽共患病室近日在《PLoS Pathogens》上发表学术论文,并被作为该期刊的封面论文——蝙蝠是汉坦病毒的宿主(图)
人兽共患病室 PLoS Pathogens 学术论文 期刊 封面论文 蝙蝠 汉坦病毒 宿主
中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所张永振研究员带领的人兽共患病室近日在最新一期国际著名学术期刊《PLoS Pathogens》杂志上发表了一篇题为"Phylogeny and Origins of Hantaviruses Harbored by Bats, Insectivores, and Rodents”的学术论文,并被该期刊作为封面论文。
Co-infection with Borrelia species and other tick-borne pathogens in humans: two cases from Poland
co-infection Borrelia spp. Anaplasma phagocytophilum Babesia spp.
abstract: Co-infection with Borrelia species and Anaplasma phagocytophilum or Babe-
sia spp. was assessed in a retrospective study of tick-exposed individuals from southeast-
ern Poland.
Molecular Detection of Common Bacterial Pathogens Causing Meningitis
Bacterial diagnosis Universal PCR Meningitis
Background: The clinical diagnosis of meningitis is crucial, particularly in children. The early diagnosis and empiric antibiotic treatments have led to a reduction in morbidity and mortalit...
Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Resistance of Enteric Pathogens in Dhahira Region, Oman
Enteric pathogens Antimicrobial resistance Oman
Background: We reviewed the monthly laboratory surveillance reports and hospital laboratory database in Dhahira region, Oman.
Methods: All patients for whom a stool sample examination request was mad...
Microbial Pathogens Implicated in Reproductive Health Infections in a Special Treatment Clinic in Ibadan, Nigeria
Age Gender Health policies Reproductive health infections Sexually transmissible infections
Objective: The lack of adequate recognition of health importance of non-HIV reproductive health infections (RHIs) in Nigeria has led into this study, which was to determine clinical pathogens in non-H...